Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

Western Supreme Kai

Nishi no Kaiôshin
Anime nameWest Supreme Kai
Alternate namesWestern Supreme Kai
West Kaioshin
Debut"End of Earth"
Appears in
Dragon Ball Z
RaceKaioshin, originally Shin-jin
Date of birthAbout 100 Million Before Age
Date of deathAbout 5 Million Before Age
OccupationOverseer of the Western Quadrant of the universe
  • Grand Supreme Kai (Boss)

  • Northern Supreme Kai (Fellow Supreme Kai)

  • Eastern Supreme Kai (Fellow Supreme Kai)

  • Southern Supreme Kai (Fellow Supreme Kai)

  • Western Supreme Kai (西の界王神, Nishi no Kaiôshin) was the ruler of the Western Quadrant of the universe.

    Western Supreme Kai was the only female Supreme Kai, and was also the first to be killed by Kid Buu when he was under the control of Bibidi. They fought in an arctic place. Fighting at her best, still she was no match for him, and so he killed her with a blast to the back.


    Powers and Abilities

    Video game appearance


    • She is chronologically the first known death of a named character in the series.


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